Go Gator Rollercoaster
- Actual Size: 60' L x 60' W
Finding rides and games to entertain younger children can be a difficult task. No one wants them to be bored and asking to go home every two seconds while they are at an event! We are here to take on the challenge of delighting them!
Take a ride on the wild side with our Go Gator Roller Coaster. This ride can be set up at the location of your choice and imaginations run wild! Games, roller coasters, and other entertaining displays are at your disposal and your options seem limitless. But with this fan favorite, thrills are guaranteed!
Pretend you are wrestling the gator like the people you see on television. You twist and you turn, trying to gain control, but the gator slips away over and over again. Just when you are about to give up, you see your opportunity and wrestle him to the ground. When you succeed, you home on and try to keep him in his place, but that isn’t going to happen easily! The gator will try to get away, but as long as you hold on tight, you will go everywhere the alligator tries to take you!
The gator will go up and down hills, and over curvy paths to try to shake you off. But with all of your strength, you will stay on and maybe let out a little yell as the gator dips and dives through numerous obstacles. You will picture him going through caves, over mountains, and between tight passages while trying to wiggle you off. He will go as fast as he can over and over until someone can get him to stop and let you off! Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to try to wrestle the alligator without any preparation or training at all!
The Go Gator Roller Coaster will keep the younger ones entertained or hours as they hop on over and over again. The fun is never ending and is a great addition to any event you are hosting. The thrill of the coaster will get adrenaline pumping, and keep the attention of your guests. Spectators will even look on, watching the expressions on the little ones faces as they go by. They may start off a bit scared, but at the end they will see that it is more fun than anything else! The gator seems intimidating, but he is actually very friendly and offers many safety features to keep your guests in optimal shape.
6 cars - 12 passengers - ages 3 to 10.